Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will host the 44th National Narrow Gauge Convention from September
11 through September 14, 2024. Prototype railroading will be first and foremost: The East
Broad Top – the premier 3-foot narrow gauge of the East, the Age of Steam Roundhouse with
22 steam locomotives on display and full functioning backshop facilities, the J&L #58 – an
operating two-foot Porter steam locomotive, the Wild Goose Railroad Climax #313 – the only
known nearly complete Class A in existence, the Waynesburg & Washington Railroad – a 1916
steam locomotive and 1892 Jackson & Sharp coach, and the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum
operating restored trolleys over 4 miles of track.
Convention favorites comprising layout tours, model contest, on-site modular layouts and
clinics will be available throughout the week. The expansive vendor rooms will offer products
by the finest model railroad manufacturers in the hobby. New to any convention will be the
“vendor suites” where vendors can showcase their products in their own room! Railroad
museums and other exhibitors also will occupy the vendor space providing information about
restoration projects or organization news.
Come to Pittsburgh in 2024 to experience Eastern narrow gauge at its finest!
Hotel Shuttle Schedule
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Doubletree hotel facility will NOT be able to provide continuous shuttle service during the convention. The following service will be provided from September 9 through September 14: This schedule is subject to change. The convention committee thanks you in advance […]

Huntingdon Northern Featured in Model Railroad Hobbyist
The Huntingdon Northern layout is featured in this month’s Model Railroad Hobbyist. The layouts will be open to convention attendees this September!
East Broad Top – Excursion Updates
Due to the popularity of the EBT tours, the East Broad Top Excursion experience will be available only as “Stand by status” or “Drive Yourself status.” Notice to all participants: There will be an informational meeting Monday evening at the hotel to go over details […]
Age of Steam Roundhouse discount code available for tours
The Age of Steam Roundhouse will offer a 20% discount for tours and events between September 12 and September 28, 2024. Walk-in tickets at the time of purchase, at the Roundhouse, is possible by showing your convention credentials at the ticket window. A discount coupon […]

Ohio Valley Lines Featured in Model Railroad Hobbyist
The Ohio Valley Lines are featured in this month’s Model Railroad Hobbyist. The layouts will be open to convention attendees this September!
Registration News
Our early-bird special registration fee for attendees will conclude at the end of May, after which it will increase by $10. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to register today!