Due to the popularity of the EBT tours, the East Broad Top Excursion experience will be available only as “Stand by status” or “Drive Yourself status.”
Notice to all participants: There will be an informational meeting Monday evening at the hotel to go over details and updates about the EBT tour. Please plan to be present.
STAND BY STATUS: You will be able to purchase an experience for $210. If a bus seat becomes available, then your status will be “active” and you can attend the East Broad Top tour. If a seat DOES NOT become available, your $210 extra fare fee will be refunded, in full, after the convention, starting September 15, 2024.
DRIVE YOURSELF STATUS: You will be able to purchase an experience for $150. You will provide your own transportation to the East Broad Top Railroad. You will be responsible for any expenses (turnpike tolls, gasoline costs, lunch, etc.) if you drive yourself. You are guaranteed an excursion experience if this option is chosen.
The M-1 WILL BE available to ride. The convention committee has negotiated with the East Broad Top Railroad to provide an M-1 experience. A very limited number of seats to ride will be available at a premium cost. You must be present at the Monday, September 9, EBT review meeting (at the Doubletree Convention Hotel) to be eligible to ride the M-1. Two (2) cab rides will be awarded by random drawing. Two participants will have a chance to win one cab ride on September 10, 2024. No open toe shoes allowed. Participants must be physically able to access the cab without assistance. NO CAMERAS in the cab per FRA rules.